CR-10 Mini glass bed
The CR-10 Mini includes a glass build platform, a nice feature for a budget printer.
Y-axis wheels
This is the underside of the build platform. The Y-axis moves on wheels on an aluminum extrusion.
Bed level adjustment screws
The leveling screws have large wheels making for easy and quick adjustments.
Wheels for the Y-axis
The X-axis and Y-axis both use wheels on aluminum extrusions for motion.
Underside of the build platform
This is the underside of the build platform.
Control box connector
The printer uses avionics connectors to interface with the control box.
Lower frame to upper frame attachment
The lower part of the frame connects to the upper portion using countersunk screws tapped into the aluminum extrusion.
Control box connector
The printer uses avionics connectors to interface with the control box.
Build platform
This is another image of the glass build surface that comes with the printer.
Control box screen
The CR-10 Mini uses an external control and power delivery box.
Filament spool holder
There is a filament spool holder on top of the control box.
The use of an external control and power box does make for a bit of messy wiring behind the printer.
Heat break fan
The hot end uses an enclosed design with a fan to cool the heat break on the front.
Part cooling fan
There is a part cooling fan on the side of the extruder.
The printer comes with a 0.4mm brass nozzle.
Bowden tube attachment
The CR-10 Mini uses a Bowden-style extruder.
This is a wider view of the extruder.
Y-axis limit switch
The X-axis limit switch is housed inside an enclosure for the X-axis stepper motor.
Z-axis limit switch
This is the limit switch for the Z-axis.
Y-axis idler
On the right side of the Y-axis gantry, there is an idler for the belt.
The extruder is positioned on top of the Z-axis motor.
Z-axis idler
At the very top of the printer, there is a non-constraining bearing for the Z-axis leadscrew.
Leadscrew coupler
The leadscrew attaches to the Z-axis motor using a solid coupler.
Gantry wheels
Just like the Y-axis, the gantry moves on wheels.
Back of hot end
This is the back of the carriage that carries the hot end.
Gantry wheels
This is the back of the idler on the side of the gantry opposite the motor.
Y-axis idler
This is the idler for the Y-axis. This part is on the front of the printer.
CR-10 Mini
Here is a view of most of the printer.
CR-10 Mini
Another image of the entire printer.
Hot end
This is another photo of the hot end.