by Toglefritz | May 8, 2014 | Black Tie Aerial
Maximizing Multirotor Battery Life Battery life is perhaps the greatest limitation for multirotors. Even with a very large, heavy, and expensive high-capacity battery, most multirotor aircraft will struggle to get ten minutes of flight time. Now, even five minutes of...
by Toglefritz | May 8, 2014 | Black Tie Aerial
Maximizing Multirotor Video Quality If you are at all interested in doing aerial videography (and it is a great hobby that I would certainly encourage you to try) your biggest challenge is going to be optimizing the quality of your videos. Maximizing multirotor video...
by Toglefritz | May 7, 2014 | Black Tie Aerial
Understanding Transmitter Modes Mode 1 or Mode 2, that is the question that many first-time multirotor pilots face when selecting radio transmitters and it is the first question we will address in this tutorial before moving on to discussing radio transmitter...
by Toglefritz | May 6, 2014 | Black Tie Aerial
Selecting Multirotor Batteries Multirotor aircraft are powered by Lithium Polymer batteries. Before we get to the process of choosing a battery, let’s take a moment to talk about what a Lithium Polymer battery is and why this particular battery technology is...
by Toglefritz | May 4, 2014 | Black Tie Aerial
Selecting ESCs for Your Multirotor After selecting props and motors, you are probably a bit tired of making complex and important design decisions. Well good news, choosing an ESC is easy. Before we get to the easy part though, I just want to take a moment to explain...
by Toglefritz | May 3, 2014 | Black Tie Aerial
Selecting Motors for Your Multirotor Selecting the best combination of components for your quadcopter is a long and complex process; if you have spent much time reading the other guides on this site, you are probably getting sense of this fact. And as one of the most...